Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Julius Caesar s Assassination On Rome, Politically And...

This investigation evaluates the question, to what extent did Julius Caesar s assassination affect Rome, politically and socially. Gaius Julius Caesar, famously known for his brilliant military strategies and shrewd political expertise, helped transform the Roman Republic into one of the greatest civilization in the western world. During his reign, Julius Ceasar expanded Rome’s geographical territory across Ancient Europe immensely, conquering areas of present-day France and Britain. The investigation will primarily focus on the political opportunities created by Caesar s death, as well as the public reaction, from the immediate ramifications to its long-term effect on the Roman government. Effects in foreign and other civilizations not directly involved with Roman affairs or within Rome will not included in the investigation. Sources for the investigation will include The Emperors of Rome by David Potter and the Ancient History Encyclopedia . Julius Caesar’s military success gain him popularity among the common people Kings in Roman culture were disliked In 46 BC, Caesar gave himself the title of ‘Prefect of Morals’, giving him the ability to hold censorial powers without being affected by them â€Å"Dictatorship was always regarded a temporary position but in 44 BC, Caesar took it for life† Before Ceasar, the Roman Republic was in a state of rapid decline Caesar used his position to carry out much-need reform and relieved debt Caesar s autocratic attitude to power,

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